AfricaWorld News

Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn attends AHIF, forum officially kicks off today

Prime Minster Hailemariam Desalegn of Ethiopia attended this afternoon the opening of Africa Hotel Investment Forum 2014, (AHIV) being held at the Sheraton Addis and declared the forum opened. 

Speaking to a global audience of the hotel and tourism industry, PM Hailemariam said his government has started to put tansformative and structural adjustment to the tourism and hospitality industry.  Emphasizing on the importance his government gave to the sector as of late, PM Hailemariam  also told the gathering  that “the main responsibility and role of the public to the industry have been well identified” and called on investors to “come and invest” in Ethiopia.

Africa’s top event for hotel investors has 500 delegates including over 50  members of the media confirmed this year. Discussions about tourism development and investment will take place today and tomorrow at the Sheraton in Addis Abeba, Ethiopia, between high-level executives and government ministers from over a dozen countries.

Jonathan Worsley, Chairman of Bench Events, said: ” His [PM Hailemariam’s] presence makes it clear how central the hospitality industry is to the development of the economy. You need hotels for tourists but also for incoming business people and for locals as further growth is stimulated. In addition, hospitality is a great creator of employment at all levels within society.”

Cover Photo: PM Hailemariam Desalegn delivering his opening remarks

Photo: Addis Standard

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