Addis AbebaAfricaEthiopiaEthiopia CrisisNews AlertState of Emeregncy

News Alert: SoE Operation Command announces nationwide suspension of ID issuance as of today, firearm registration in a week

A scene from a busy street in Addis Abeba

By Addis Standard Staff

Addis Abeba, November 05/2021 -State of Emergency Operation Command said that it has confirmed that residence ID cards are being illegally issued in Amhara and Oromia regional states as well as in Addis Abeba city administrations. Therefore, as of today, issuance of residence ID cards is suspended indefinitely in every regional state and city administrations.

The Operation Command also said that with the exception of citizens who are headed or are marching to different front lines, anyone with firearms in regional cities, zonal and district cities, city administrations, is required to register their firearms within a week.

Furthermore, the Operation Command urged taxpayers to pay their taxes in a timely manner and warned against tax office employees instigating and intimidating tax payers not to pay taxes. It also warned that legal action will be taken against the employees of the tax offices who prevent taxpayers from paying their dues in a lawful and transparent manner and are taking advantage of the circumstances for personal gains. AS

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