
A weeklong exhibition marks Ethiopia’s first ever Defense Force Day

PM Hailemariam Desalegn discussing with Army Chief General Samora Yenus

Ethiopia’s Ministry of Defense has for the first time celebrated a weeklong Defense Day from Feb. 7 -14th.  Marking the seven days celebration was a large display of army equipments that show the history (and perhaps strength) of the national defense force.

PM Hailemariam looking atfarm machineries produced by the defence engnereeing department

Hailemariam Desalegn, Prime Minister and Commander-in -Chief of the national army,  was seen for the first time intimately engaged in discussions with top army generals notably Army Chief of Staff, General Samora Yenus. Defense Minister Siraj Fegesa (a civilian according the constitution of the country) was also among those who adored the event.

PM Hailemariam along with Communication Affars chief Bereket Simon visiting the exhibition

As of this year February 14th will be commemorated as the national defense day owing to the establishment on Feb 14th 1996 of the Federal Defense Force.

 Story by Emnet Assefa

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