AfricaWorld News

Tripartite Committee to Select Consulting Firm

The Tripartite Committee of Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt kicks off its meeting 5th round meeting here in Addis Ababa on Wednesday. It is expected to to select an international firm that that will carry out technical studies on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) in its. The international firm will take between five and 12 months to conduct studies on the dam.


During the meeting that the consulting firms will present their financial and technical proposals for the committee.

Water and Irrigation Ministers from Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan as well as diplomats, scholars and members of the tripartite committee are taking part in the two – day meeting.

On 23 March, Ethiopia signed a declaration of principles with Egypt and Sudan in which they agreed on broad guidelines over the dam’s construction and reservoir filling.

Ethiopia’s 6,000 megawatt dam, which is in its fourth year of construction has reached 42 per cent completion.



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