Month: June 2015

  • Africa

    The poetics and politics of Oromo resistance

    Oromo music has played a central role in providing alternative spaces for enunciating ‘the Oromo question’. Awol Allo On June 4, 2015, renowned Oromo artist Haacaaluu Hundeessaa released an intoxicating single track, Maalan Jiraa. The song condenses within itself the story of the Oromo people with impeccable acuity, waltzing between stories of pain and pride, hope and despair. Full of…

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  • Africa

    UK minister for Africa “expresses concern” over Ethiopian elections

    As the ruling EPRDF in Ethiopia claimed a 100% historic election victory, Britain’s   Minister for Africa, James Duddridge, calls on the government in Ethiopia “to increase diversity in parliament and ensure the voices of all citizens are heard”, a statement from the UK’s Foreign Office said yesterday. The statement quoted minister Duddridge as saying he welcomed “the fact that the…

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  • Africa

    Ethiopian Election 2015: Caught allies between a rock and a hard place

    Editorial   On May 24, 2015 Ethiopians went to the polling stations all over the country to cast their votes in the fifth general election since the adoption in 1995 of the country’s constitution. The general election was conducted to elect representatives for both the House of People’s Representatives and Regional State Councils. Even from the onset, a landslide victory…

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  • Africa

    Breaking: A historic 100% win for Ethiopia’s ruling EPRDF

    The Ethiopian national Electoral Board Chairman Prof. Merga Bekan announced today that the ruling Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF), a collation of four ethnic based parties in power since the last 24 years, and its regional allies have secured a 100% historic win in the 5th general election held on May 24, 2015.   Accordingly, EPRDF have won 500…

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  • Africa

    Lemn Sissay announced as next University of Manchester Chancellor

    Writer and broadcaster Lemn Sissay MBE has been elected as the next Chancellor of The University of Manchester. The 150,000 electorate – comprising University staff, registered alumni and members of the General Assembly – chose the award-winning poet from a shortlist of three nominees, which also included Hallé Music Director Sir Mark Elder and former Cabinet minister and Labour peer…

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  • Africa

    Identify spoilers in mediation processes: former Sierra Leone President

    The Institute for Peace and Security Studies (IPSS) on Wednesday hosted a lively lecture series entitled “Mediating Civil War- Peace Settlement in Africa: the Case of Sierre Leone” by former Sierra Leone President and military leader Brigadier General (Ret) Julius Maada Wonie Bio. In a lecture intended to show the mediation process in the post-civil war period in Sierra Leone,…

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  • Africa

    Maintaining sustainable development in Africa in the times of climate change

    Maintaining “Africa’s growth trajectory and ensure the desired economic transformation will require access to appropriate technologies while taking into consideration the opportunities derived from climate change,” asserted Ms. Fatima Denton, the Director of ECA’s Special Initiatives Division at the opening of the 9th ECA Committee on Sustainable Development taking place in Addis Abeba. Many decisions around sustainable development goals and…

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  • Africa

    Call for renewed action to end child marriage in Africa

    To mark the Day of the African Child, 16 June 2015, Girls Not Brides: The Global Partnership to End Child Marriage is calling for renewed action to end child marriage across Africa. The theme chosen by the African Union to commemorate Day of the African Child 2015 is “25 Years after the Adoption of the African Children’s Charter: Accelerating our…

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  • Europe

    Phoenix or Sisyphus? Identifying the pattern of Russia’s recurrent quest for great power status

    Mark N. Katz,  Special to Addis Standard   Russians take pride in how whenever Russia has experienced a severe blow to its ability to play the role of a great power in the past, Russia has every time been able to recover and re-emerge as one—often in a very short period of time. Napoleon’s invasion of Russia in 1812 was…

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  • Africa

    Tripartite Free Trade Area an opportunity not a threat

    Sindiso Ngwenya   The launching of the Tripartite Free Trade Area on Wednesday 10 June 2015 is a historical milestone that will be remembered for having taken the African continent to another level of integration. The tripartite arrangement of the Common Market for Eastern for Eastern and Southern Africa, East African Community and Southern Africa Development Community (COMESA-EAC–SADC) is thus…

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